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A 100 Year History


"With excitement for the future and great reverence for the past, the editorial board of the Denver Law Review is proud to present the one hundredth volume of the journal.


The Denver Law Review began in 1923 as the Denver Bar Association Record and in the intervening one hundred years has published students and Supreme Court Justices alike. In launching this centennial webpage, we trace the history of the journal, making note of milestones and special moments. We respectfully dedicate this page with sincere gratitude to the many past members who, each year, held the work of the journal near to their hearts as stewards of the journal. We hold those members in our minds as we push forward into a new century, one where the journal will remain steady from the foundation laid by those before, but supple enough to continue embracing change and growth. The past few years have seen the journal readjust its focus from not just impactful scholarship, but impactful scholarship that increasingly includes diverse viewpoints who historically have gone unheard. It is with this refreshed vision that we look forward to another one hundred years."


- Rebecca Glenn, Editor in Chief, Volume 100


Please help us celebrate by looking through the website and sharing any memories you have with our Senior Forum Editor, Charlotte Rhoad, at

The Denver Law Review is proud to present Volume 100, Issue 1

Denver Law Review
100th Anniversary Celebration

Hosted by the University of Denver Sturm College of Law


The Denver Law Review's
100 Year History

Journey below through 100 years of highlights with the Denver Law Review



In December 1923, Volume 1 of the Denver Law Review was published. Then called the Denver Bar Association Record, the journal was initially operated solely by the Denver Bar Association ("DBA") and featured financial and substantive updates by the DBA and its subcommittees. For Volume 4, in 1927, the DBA began publishing articles authored by Denver-based attorneys. 



In 1928, for Volume 6, the journal was rebranded as Dicta. Led by our first Editor-in-Chief S. Arthur Henry, Volume 6 marks the beginning of our journal as a national academic publication for wide consumption. As the Volume 6 Editorial Board noted at the outset of this revamped journal, "[it] was felt that the old Record had evolved from the modest pamphlet which it was at the beginning of its career into a magazine of substance." 




In Volume 20, Dicta published its first article from a United States Supreme Court Justice. Associate Justice Rutledge's address delivered at the forty-sixth annual meeting place of the Colorado Bar Association was his second piece published by Dicta and his first as a sitting Justice. â€‹



"Upon my return to the United States after witnessing the Neuremberg trials, I was shocked to learn there are those in the United States who opposed these trials.​


In Volume 23, then U.S. Attorney General and future Associate Justice Tom C. Clark published a commentary on his attendance at the Neuremberg Trials and recent improvements on the domestic federal judiciary.  



Over the next 20 volumes, Dicta published ten to fourteen issues annually. Volume 27 marks the beginning of the University Denver College of Law's involvement with DBA, as well as the Colorado Bar Association, which had joined in the 1930s.



Volume 40 marked another name change for the journal. The title Denver Law Center Journal contextualized the Board of Student Editors of the now law student-led publication. 



In Volume 42, consumer advocate and future Presidential candidate Ralph Nader discussed the need for the law to catch up to automobile design. Mr. Nader reappeared in the Denver Law Review twenty-three years later, this time analyzing injured victims' rights. 



"We hope to justify your confidence in us by continuing the recent improvements which have been made in both the quality and the size of the Journal.


In 1966, the University of Denver Sturm College of Law became the sole publisher of the Denver Law Journal. 



A watershed moment for our annual symposium, in 1973, Justice Douglas wrote the foreword for Denver Law Review's symposium issue. The Volume 50 symposium was called: The Denver Public Defender. Justice Douglas stated, "This Denver Law Journal Symposium is only a start on many bristling problems in the field. But the beginning is excellent, and a challenge in all who follow to use like standards of excellence in appraising the elusive, raw material they encounter when they start a study of a particular court or particular community." 



In an early iteration of our annual Tenth Circuit issue, Justice White wrote the foreword for Volume 52, Issue 1: Tenth Circuit Surveys. According to Justice White, "[t]he interests of the Denver Law Journal in the work of the Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit is very welcome. . . The Journal's annual review will provide a valuable resource for practitioners all across the country." 



"The issue of the Denver University Law Review is devoted to an important subject: judicial accountability. Properly understood, judicial accountability is a fundamental democratic requirement of our federal and State governments. Put simply, judges must be accountable to the public for their constitutional role of applying the law fairly and importantly.


In 2008, the Volume 86 published a special fifth issue focused exclusively on the subject of judicial accountability, with a feature article written by former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. 



In 2020, the Coronavirus shut down law schools across America. Students quickly learned to adapt, attending classes online, wearing masks, and participating in social distancing in class. To keep its students, authors, and participants safe from harm, Denver Law Review held its first-ever entirely remote symposium. Critical Race Perspectives on Gender, Identity, and Culture in the Law. 

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